

22 Years Bangalore | 10000 (onwards)

AD ID : 25517

Call girl in Koramangala - Vinaya

If you live in Koramangala and need an escort to take you out on a date, give Vinaya a call. She's not just any escort. Modesty is the best - she's smart, and sexy and will make sure your night (and morning) is one to remember Koramangala Escorts. You don't have to worry about the rest as Vinaya will take care of everything - from getting you a nice hotel to throwing a party at her house. He is quite 'sophisticated' that way. And it's not like you're shelling out big bucks for her services - Vinaya won't hesitate to talk to you. "I charge Rs 500 per hour," says the 22-year-old with a smile on her pretty face.
But Vinay is more than a pretty face. She's a great host and can be your best friend if you need someone, although she may take a while to warm up to you.
Vinay is no longer the pretty girl you saw models in the streets of Bandra a month ago. Vinaya has gone to beauty school and has learned a lot about makeup and men. You can contact her through Bangalore Escorts Services.

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